Bridging the gap between yesterday & tomorrow, TODAY!
BDB Bridge LLC specializes in the design and rental of temporary structures and equipment, primarily for the bridge construction industry. We stand apart from the competition by delivering pre-engineered and preassembled structural systems that require minimal handling and connection time to erect. The result is significant time and labor savings for the contractor. BDB’s mission is to make money for clients!
(470) 236-9464
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call:
(470) 236-9464 or fill out the following form.
Main Office
Are You a Veteran with an Honorable Discharge? We Want You!
Lunch & Learn
To learn more about our services contact Mike Duncan at 470-236-9464 or via email mikeduncan@bdb-bridge.com for on-site or zoom presentation.
Contact Us
Get A Quote: (470) 236-9464